
글로벌 링크

Council Guide

We will put our heads and hearts together and look after our city, looking every corner of our city from citizens' perspective.

Council Organization

Council Organization

  • Chairman
    • Vice Chairman
      • Steering committee
      • Special committee
      • Office Manager
        • Legislative affairs manager
        • Decision affairs manager
        • Council work PR manager
      • Expert member

Council Member

The Council is made up of councilmen who are elected by citizens' universal, equal, direct and secret votes.
It represents citizens, and is the decision-making establishment for the local government. It is currently comprised of 8 members.

Chairman · Vice chairman

The Council installs one Chairman and one Vice Chairman. They are elected by the council's secret vote, with two-year tenure.
Chairman represents the council, and oversees council meetings, supervises the council administrative affairs.
Vice Chairman serves as acting Chairman, in case Chairman is not available

Steering Committee

  • Matters concerning the operation of Council.
  • Matters concerning Council's Administrative Affairs Section.
  • Matters concerning meeting rules and various rules on council operation

Special Committee

  • Deliberation of agendas that fall under the responsibility of each department.
    ※ Examples) Special Committee on Ordinance Review, Special Committee on Performance Reporting, Special Committee on Administrative Audit, Special Committee on Petition Review

Council bureau

Council bureau is organized to process the office work of the council while 20 employees including special members as well as the secretary,
5th grade administrative official are employed.

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